Search found 13 matches

by maslevin
Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:49 pm
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: Help compiling FrNES 0.60 with KOS 1.1.7
Replies: 19
Views: 2118

Re: Help compiling FrNES 0.60 with KOS 1.1.7

This brought a smile to my face :) Glad it compiles and runs even if it doesn't run on any DC emulators!
by maslevin
Thu May 12, 2022 11:55 am
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: KOS, Visual Studio Code & gdb
Replies: 20
Views: 7877

Re: KOS, Visual Studio Code & gdb

After meaning to try this out on macOS for literally years at this point, I dug out my Dreamcast and gave it a try. Ultimately I was able to get it to work but I had to do some extra steps to get it to compile and be usable, and I wanted to post my findings in case that would be useful for other dev...
by maslevin
Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:37 pm
Forum: Developmental Ideas
Topic: DCJAM 2016 - Anyone here entering
Replies: 2
Views: 4126

DCJAM 2016 - Anyone here entering

I ran across this Dreamcast game jam competition here: Is anyone from these forums interested in doing anything for it, or already participating in it? I am a programmer who has made a few things for the Dreamcast over the years and was hoping to connect with...
by maslevin
Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:24 am
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: pvr_mem_malloc / pvr_txr_load / sq_cpy and time ...
Replies: 26
Views: 3394

Re: pvr_mem_malloc / pvr_txr_load / sq_cpy and time ...

What sort of image loading are you doing? If you are procedurally converting or generating an image that has to go to VRAM, you should consider rendering directly to the store queues instead of rendering your images to an intermediate buffer which is then copied via the store queues. This allows you...
by maslevin
Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:53 pm
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: PVR Data Format Documentation?
Replies: 17
Views: 3250

Re: PVR Data Format Documentation?

To clarify what I'm suggesting; I'm not recommending you try to use dreamcast emulator source directly, I'm recommending you look at the transformation from a (possibly compressed) PVR texture to a regular uncompressed RGB texture from a dreamcast emulator and port that code to javascript (because i...
by maslevin
Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:58 pm
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: PVR Data Format Documentation?
Replies: 17
Views: 3250

Re: PVR Data Format Documentation?

I actually wrote some KOS code that tries to use the file header from the PVR file to create a correct texture header automatically, and let you use official game textures easily. This code was based on the PuyoTools docs, as well as a few other sources and some original research. The PVR format was...
by maslevin
Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:36 pm
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: Why can't we just do "apt-get install kos"?
Replies: 2
Views: 1406

Re: Why can't we just do "apt-get install kos"?

If you want something a little more automated, I (kinda) maintain a script which will download and build the SH-4 and ARM toolchains and KOS in an ubuntu installation. I branched this from TimSimpson's version which is more focused on Vagrant compatibility. Just clo...
by maslevin
Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:29 pm
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: VQ Framebuffer Article
Replies: 9
Views: 2468

Re: VQ Framebuffer Article

Hey MetalliC, I tested this on a real DC through the writing of the article and the associated research. What you are referring to is an incomplete reference, as far as I am aware. I have found reference to the non-palleted VQ texture in the Kamui manual (although, no documentation of its byte-struc...
by maslevin
Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:56 am
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: VQ Framebuffer Article
Replies: 9
Views: 2468

Re: VQ Framebuffer Article

Don't the paletted modes for VQ still require the image to be twiddled as well (because the bit flag for paletted modes is shared with the flag for image twiddling)?
by maslevin
Sat Oct 03, 2015 12:48 pm
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: VQ Framebuffer Article
Replies: 9
Views: 2468

VQ Framebuffer Article

Hey I just wanted to post this article I wrote for my blog about using a VQ Texture for emulation on the Dreamcast, based on my experience writing FrNES back in the day, and experimenting with an approach that TapamN mentioned in a 2 year old post that I read last week. It might be of interest to an...
by maslevin
Fri May 15, 2015 11:03 pm
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: Some libraries don't build with new kos-ports
Replies: 12
Views: 1405

Re: Some libraries don't build with new kos-ports

Yup, that worked! Thanks BlueCrab (and also thanks for your ongoing efforts updating and modernizing KOS, this kos-ports upgrade was badly needed!).
by maslevin
Fri May 15, 2015 8:22 pm
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: Some libraries don't build with new kos-ports
Replies: 12
Views: 1405

Re: Some libraries don't build with new kos-ports

Hey BlueCrab, I have an app that I'm working on which uses the lua kos-port, and after upgrading to your new kos-ports I have the following errors: /home/maslevin/Tools/dreamcast/kallistios/utils/bin2o/bin2o romdisk.img romdisk romdisk.o /opt/toolchains/dc/sh-elf/bin/sh-elf-gcc -O2 -fomit-frame-poin...
by maslevin
Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:34 pm
Forum: Programming Discussion
Topic: Automated KOS compilation in a safe, reproducable VM
Replies: 1
Views: 520

Re: Automated KOS compilation in a safe, reproducable VM

Hey stevepdp! Thanks for making this. It saved me a bunch of time putting a dev environment together. I forked your repo last fall and changed some things to work with a plain old Ubuntu 14.04 installation. I updated the git links so it grabbed newest source and whatnot. Last time I checked everythi...